I’m running for Senate District 17 because I believe in Colorado.

I believe Colorado can be a place where people can afford to live, work, and retire with dignity.

Andrew Barton standing in front of a mural

But today, too many people are struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living, to keep our environment and natural spaces healthy and intact, and even to keep our democracy itself alive. We need representation that will deliver clear, steady leadership to the Colorado Senate to combat the chaos coming from Congress and the federal government.

“I was raised with belief in the power of bringing people together and a drive to serve.”

Endorsements for Andrew Barton

  • Sen. Janice Marchman


    “Andrew has a deep understanding of the legislative process and the experience needed to navigate it effectively. His knowledge of policymaking, stakeholding, and advocacy ensures he’ll be ready to hit the ground running on day one. With his expertise and commitment to delivering results, Andrew will be a strong and effective leader from the start.”

  • Susie Hidalgo-Fahring

    Longmont Mayor Pro-Tem

    “Andrew is committed to representing all members of our community, putting the needs and concerns of the people first. He will always listen to the people, engage with residents, and ensure their voices are heard in the State Senate. Andrew’s commitment to transparency, accessibility, and dialogue makes him a leader who will put our community first and work tirelessly to uplift our priorities.”

  • Brian Wong

    Lafayette Mayor Pro-Tem

  • Crystal Gallegos

    Lafayette Council At-Large

  • Paloma Delgadillo

    Broomfield Council, Ward 2

  • Austin Ward

    Broomfield Council, Ward 2

  • Neil Fishman

    Community Leader

Our campaign is people powered.

Help fight for a future where everyone belongs.